SPINE PRESS is graphic design studio & small press based in Seoul, KR.
Usually design something related with art, culuture, brand, and so on.


Jaye Rhee Solo Exhibition

Far West, So Close



GOLDEN Preview




Self Practice

Profile — Part 2.



A Strange City

1 — 5

2020 — 24


Polyphony Club

ISBN: 979-11-970333-8-4


SPINE PRESS All Rights Reserved.   


IAP Young Artist Exhibition
Denotation And Profundity, 2023

Work Area: Exhibition Poster, Catalogue, Banner, Etc.

Client: Incheon Art Platform


594 × 841mm

Denotation and Profundity, Incheon Art Platform’s second exhibition project of 2023, features sixteen artists and authors born between 1983 to 1997 whose roots are in Incheon by birthright or upbringing. The participants have enriched the exhibition discourse by exhibiting their works in the case of the eight young artists with a promising artistic career and by conducting interviews and writing critical essays for each participating artist in the case of the eight curators and researchers.

In a more formalistic category, one could say that there are three painters (Jae-Seong Ryu, Minseok Son, and Hyunsun Jeon), two sculptors and installation artists (Bokyung Kim and Jihyun Jung), and three visual and multimedia artists (Zoohyeong Song, Areumnari Ee, and Yaloo). The uniqueness and ingenuity of their works display the artistic tendency of contemporary art from different angles. Ranging from post-anthropocentrism, post-humanism, the relationship between humans and objects, non-temporality and non-spatiality, the coexistence of ambivalence, and exploration of light, to the use of research and archive as a methodology for artistic creation, the young artists exhibit diverse thematic concerns.

Incheon Art Platform features one stratum of the artistic scene of Incheon led by Millennials and Generation Z artists with the present exhibition, in the hopes of allowing the audiences to appreciate the dynamicity and potentiality of the art of Incheon to the fullest extent.

Text by Young-ri Lee (IAP Curator)


Concept — “Process of Exapnsion”

This exhibition shows the various narratives (profundity) and forms (denotation) of young Incheon-based artists in their works. The audience goes back and forth between the two different aspects of the work. In other words, neither the extension nor the abyss is more important. Rather, each characteristic coexists and we are in the process of cross-checking them. Focusing on this point, I interpreted the theme of the exhibition under the concept of 'Process of Expansion'.
As the meaning of the word metaphorically indicates ('pond'), I used variations of light blue and dark blue. This gives the impression of going back and forth between the depth and the waterside. At the same time, it works as a graphic meaning (profundity). On the other hand, 'process' is fluid. Just as water changes according to the shape of the pond around it. A collection of representative work images of the artists who participated in this exhibition. Afterwards, each work was converted into a silhouette, and the individual silhouettes were connected to each other like 'rocks around a pond'. Through this, I created an atypical pond (in a metaphorical sense), which changes its shape and arrangement depending on the screen. This corresponds to the 'denotation' of graphics.


Web Banners, Invitation / Dimensions Varible


Banners / Dimensions Varible


Wall Graphics / Dimensions Varible


Captions / Dimensions Varible


Brochure / 185 × 257mm

Curated by
Youg-ri Lee

Assisted by
Soyoung Hwang

Graphic Design by

Space Design by
SONKIM Architects

AV Equipment by
Hans Time

Transportation by
My Company Global

Publicity Materials by

Translation by
The Writers

Hosted by
Incheon Metropolitan City

Organized by
(Incheon Foundation for Arts and Culture-Incheon Art Platform)

IFAC, President
Jonggu Lee

IFAC, Division Head of Cultural Facilities
Donghyek Son

IAP, Team Leader
Young-re Lee
