Artplug Yeonsu 2022 OPENSTUDIO
Drop The 빛, 2022
Work Area: Exhibition Poster, Handout, Banner, Etc.
Client: Artplug Yeonsu (APY)

594 × 841mm
Artplug Yeonsu has organized various art and technology experience programs and lectures under the theme of light. So I wanted to bring the aspect of light into typography based on the core concept, ‘Movement of light’. Connection and disconnection, constancy and unconstancy, these are the thing I refered. From the top of the screen, the letters keep chainging their shape(dot and line) and direction. Overall, the whole graphic looks fluid not fixed.
Especially, I used the very fluid typeface named ‘Mineral (by Benoît Bodhuin)’. Of course, It doesn’t support any korean word, thus I was need to make a word ‘light’. The left side of ‘Chieut (ㅊ)’ is expand to next text section like a beam of light.

Web Banners / Dimensions Variable

Handout , L file / Dimensions Variable