Jeonju Intl. Film Festival, 100 Films 100 Posters
The Train Passed By, 2021
Work Area: Film Poster
600 × 900mm / Directed by KAM Jeong-Won
The story of The Train Passed By unfolds based on the main space called a dyeing factory. In particular, the task of rewinding the fabric, which the main character 'Hee-su' takes on, metaphorically reveals an escape from reality that is constantly being frustrated. By borrowing such a production process, the letters in the center of the screen were “produced”. At the same time, the whole screen is only dark, as if implying the situation (or emotion) of 'Hee-su'.
Poster Detail
Movie Still Cut︎︎︎
ⓒ KAM Jeong-won
︎︎︎ Visit to Festival Official Website